There are many diets and appetite suppressants available today.
But what about if we take wild animals as an example - there are no animals suffering from being overweight, but at the same time, why is the problem of obesity very common in domestic animals? The reason comes from the frequency of feeding and physical activity: wild animals do not eat according to a schedule, they eat when they catch their prey and they can take long or short breaks in between their next meals.
This theory can also be applied in relation to human nutrition.
In fact, clinical results are beyond expectation: just one "lean" day per week, and one long break in-between meals during the day can significantly help you lose weight.
However, the problem is that people nowadays are very dependent on food and cannot go a short period without it. As a result, the body gets uncomfortable and stressed and starts to need food, creating a vicious cycle.
The solution is to eliminate this discomfort and to relieve "suffering". This can be done by using special low-calorie products that give you a long-lasting sense of satiety, all qualities which are present in our “Night snack” - delicious truffles made from plant-based substances leaving you feeling fuller for longer.