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Writer's picturePhytoVita

🌿🥀My blood haemoglobin level is too low!🥀🌿

👆Iron deficiency is one of the most common nutritional problems. ⠀

It is associated with serious health issues including ⠀

❗️abnormal mental and motor development in infancy ⠀

❗️impaired work capacity and increased risk of premature delivery. ⠀

Common causes of iron deficiency in adults is chronic blood loss, pregnancy, and vigorous exercise.⠀

Someone on a normal diet with low haemoglobin due to iron deficiency has 2 possibilities to increase this:⠀

✅Consume regular iron medication or take intravenous injections⠀

✅Use special products which activates the absorption of iron into the duodenum.⠀

🟢 Iron containing medication may have side effects such as nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain, therefore the use of “BetaVuSan” is a great natural solution to increase the level of iron in ones blood👆⠀

🍏Be healthy with PhytoVita🥒


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