The nasopharyngeal mucosa is the first line of defence against viruses and microbes. The tissues in the inner nasal cavity produce a mucus which contains special components that have antiviral and disinfecting properties. Although this seems like a great defence for our body during the winter season, it is not as simple as it seems.
Due to a number of external negative factors, the state of the mucous membrane becomes affected and its protective functions are reduced. Some factors that contribute to this are:
· Over-dried indoor air
· A sudden change in temperature
· Smog and exhaust gases
· Dehydration
· High levels of stress
We are faced with a lot of these factors every day, so we need to try to help protect ourselves against viruses as much as possible.
What can be done to protect yourself against viruses other than solely relying on your immune system?
Despite all the barriers, some viruses still settle on the mucous membrane and remain there for some time. A recommendation is to wash the sinus with salt water at room temperature. For a healthy person, this is a great way to flush viruses from the mucous membrane. For someone who has just gotten sick or is already sick, it is a great opportunity to flush the sinuses and remove accumulated exudate, which often causes shortness of breath. The saline solution can be prepared by yourself, and you can find lots of videos and posts about this online.